Amy Adams, who portrayed Lois Lane in the DC Universe, comments on Henry Cavill’s comeback as Superman. Superman was the protagonist who introduced the DCU (formerly known as the DCEU) in 2013, but Cavill’s Man of Steel hasn’t appeared in a DCU film since 2017’s Justice League.
The actor did, however, ultimately make a comeback as the DC legend in the Black Adam movie’s post-credits sequence, which was merely the first taste of the actor’s new chapter in the DCU.
Adams was questioned about Cavill’s return to the DC Universe as Superman by Variety on the red carpet for the premiere of Disenchanted. She is beyond thrilled to see Cavill’s Superman don the famous costume once more after playing Lois alongside him in Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, and Justice League. Adams claims her husband informed her about Cavill’s return, and she describes the British actor as a “wonderful Superman,” saying the following:
I think I heard it from my husband actually. I am thrilled for him, he’s a wonderful Superman, so I am very excited for him.